Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mr and Mrs (newlyweds)

I am admittedly, under-experienced in photographing full grown adults.  Not to say that i haven't photographed them, but if you put the number of children that I have aimed my lens at, VS the number of adults I have aimed at...the scales would tip LARGELY in the favor of the 10 to 1.  So when I put a call out for a newlywed couple to contact me for a session, I was excited!  The couple that contacted me just goes to show you how very small of a world we live in too!   (or how small my town is...which is probably more true)  They were referred to me and my post by a fellow photographer who was their wedding photographer.  When she saw my name she asked if Joel was my husband...apparently she and my husband sat next to each other in band class in HS.  Hello band geeks!  :) (that's ok...i don't think i had any friends that WEREN'T in band)  So anyways...long story already too long...I went, photographed a couple, had a GREAT time, successfully avoided getting bit my poisonous water snakes, didn't have to make funny sounds to make them look at the camera, no bribery was required, and it was a refreshing change of pace. :)

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