Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Rebecca Laurel Photography

Why am I re-branding?  Why am I changing names?  Why am I going in a new direction?

I have asked myself these questions SO many times over the past six months.  I have the unique blessing of doing what I LOVE for a job.  Many people are forced to work in jobs where they are un-happy and dread working.  I get to look forward to what I do.  I get excited for photo-shoots.  I love scouring Pinterest for ideas and inspiration on how to make a photo-shoot more unique and memorable.
I recently stopped doing that.  I stopped getting EXCITED about photo shoots.  The inspiring creativity was drained out of it.  Don't get me wrong, I still loved photographing and editing and doing all of those things...but I found myself DRAWN to the photo-shoots that had more thought and planning behind them.  I was drawn to photos with props and discussions over what to wear and do.  I'm drawn to DRAMA! Photography is my way to express creativity and I guess it's like a drug...and i need a higher high!  I would look at blog pages or other photographers' websites and salivate at all of the little details and the STORIES TOLD!  They weren't just good was a story.  And what's we all look at those types of pictures on Pinterest, and we pin and re-pin...but we never do!  Why don't we DO?  It's like we have imaginary lives of creativity on Pinterest but they become this un-attainable haven of home-made sweets and photos of perfectly behaved model-children where we re-use everything down to grocery bags?!  But I have a secret!  Those photographs...aren't that hard.  AND...the one photo that has been re-pinned 800x of a glorious child frolicking through a field of purple flowers...was surrounded by 200 clicks of a screaming, kicking, complaining, grumpy, messy-faced kid.  But that's OK!  If we want the photos that are worthy of printing onto a 20x30 canvas and hanging on our living room wall, we have to invest time, and energy, and maybe even some cold hard cash.  In the end...all photos are a story, but I want to create and document life as the beautiful fairy tale that it is.  It's glorious, it's bright, it's beautiful, it's DRAMATIC!
So my re-brand is this...My photo-shoots will be 'styled'...which is a fancy way of saying that if you don't want to put time and effort into planning your photos, I'm probably not the photographer for you.  My photo-shoots will tell a story.  My photo-shoots will be dramatic and detailed.  My photo-shoots still apply to any age and stage of life...they may take more time but I can guarantee that you will be happy with your investment.  I don't think anyone looks back and says 'man!  i wish i had been less creative.'
So I hope you understand now why my business is changing.  I hope you can see why and where I'm going with this.  I hope you will see the investment in your family and their memories as worthwhile. I hope that you will contact me and we can dream up an amazing story for your family!

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