Twenty Sixteen. It was a great year for my business. I was a full time full blown wedding photographer. I didn't second shoot as much as I had in the past because I was so busy with my own work. I formed relationships with amazing couples and followed along with others that began to expand their own families. We moved our own family to a different state and I was faced with re-doing my business from square one. I'm still faced with it but I'm excited for the new environment and people. I also was rocked by a hard drive failure that cost me more than words can say both personally and through my business. I want to post this as a year end wrap up. It was such a great year for so many reasons, and I don't want the negative to overshadow everything good that DID happen. I witnessed so many vows being said, and so many lives grow and change. I stood by while parents said goodbye to their babies, and I watched babies become toddlers. This, is my 2016. Thank you for trusting me and working with me. Thank you for being a client to a small business owner. Thank you for valuing real photography.