Monday, November 4, 2019


9 years ago I became a stay at home mom and began to hone in on my photography skills.  At that point life was rough.  3 pregnancies back to back to back, three young kids at home.

And then we decided, "Hey, let's move across state lines and become self employed!" 

So we did it.  Since that time, we've changed jobs a few times, and I let photography become a side gig.  I still shot weddings and sessions, but my full attention wasn't on it.  I hope I never let any of my clients down, but I had to re-think my focus.

I'm now back at it.  I'm 100% fully invested in making this little business of mine work.  I have always loved being a photographer.  Capturing memories for my clients, freezing a moment in time and making it even more magical than it was in reality.  Taking a split second and extending it through eternity.  Making a mom cry because she doesn't think that I'll get a decent photo of her crazy chaotic kids, and proving her wrong.

Photography isn't just a job.  It's how I live life.

With so many cell phone and our "over-photographed' lives as they are...It makes me sad to see this dying art become something of the past.  Either people assume their smartphone is enough, or anybody who picks up a "fancy" camera, will take your $50 and give you 300 digital files to sort through.

I am a Photographer; an artist.  I have a creative view, and I guarantee that I will deliver.  Try me.

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